Landing / Airfield Charges & Fuel

Airfield Charges with effect from 1st April 2024

Standard Landing Charges
Applicable to all types of operation including "Touch and Go" and circuits
(MTWA = Maximum Take-Off Weight Authorised)

Coll or Colonsay £ 10.10

Up to 500kg MTWA £ 14.50
501kg to 1000kg MTWA £19.50
1001kg to 1500kg MTWA £29.00
1501kg to 2000kg MTWA £37.00
2001kg to 2500kg MTWA £43.00
2501kg to 3000kg MTWA £58.00
3001kg to 3500kg MTWA £80.00
3501kg to 4000kg MTW6 £94.00
4001kg to 4500kg MTWA £114.00
4501kg to 5000kg MTWA £131.00
Over 5000kg MTWA £131.00  + £19.50 per 500kg or part thereof

Landing Charge Rebates

Only available if full payment is made prior to final departure or approved credit facilities have been agreed:

b) Visiting Aircraft on Training Flights

  • First landing - full rate
  • Subsequent landings - 50% discount (applicable only when aircraft operates within 15nm after first landing)

c) Cargo Aircraft

  • Empty or loaded - 20% discount


Flying Clubs

The Council may negotiate agreements for reduced landing charges for flights made for the purpose of the clubs at an airport but not flights made for hire or reward outside the normal range or scope of club activities


Holiday Voucher Scheme

Aircraft operators using Oban as a base for their holiday can apply for a Holiday Voucher which offers temporary indemnity for up to 2 consecutive weeks. This is non-transferable and only available to non-commercial aircraft no greater than 2730kg MTWA, aircraft operators must present a valid copy of insurance prior to issue.

1 week Holiday Voucher £ 8.80
2 week holiday voucher £14.50



AVGAS is available during our operational hours (last uplift 15 minutes prior to closing) at our self-service fuel station on the southern end of the main apron.

Please PPR indicating if fuel is required and for assistance, contact a member of staff.

Details on the operation are available from the airport reception (reporting point).

Only one aircraft at a time can be at the fuel station and please do not block the fire vehicle garages.

JETA1 is unavailable until further notice

AVGAS 100LL £ 2.35ppl (plus VAT)


Landing Loyalty Cards

From Easter 2014 a non-transferrable landing loyalty card offering aircraft a free fifth landing after 4 full price landings at Oban has been introduced, contact airport for further details and to request a card.

Safety-related Diversionary Landing (AOPA Scheme)

The Council is prepared to consider requests for waiver of charges from a General Aviation (GA) pilot who makes a general safety-related diversionary landing. This waiver only applies to domestic GA traffic. The council reserves the right to opt out of the AOPA scheme at any time subject to three month's notice being given to AOPA by the council. Eligibility for waiver will be based on the same criteria as for a light aircraft landing fee (i.e. private flight in accordance with Article 255 of the ANO 2009).


Flights Outside of Normal Hours of Availability

(Air Ambulance / Search and Rescue)

Flights outside normal hours of availability of Council airports as published in the UK Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) and on the Oban and the Isles airports website whereby the type of flight requires a licensed aerodrome or is ineligible for our 'Out of Hours Annual Indemnity Permit' or 'Holiday Voucher Scheme.'

Where flights are made outside of these hours by prior arrangement with the aerodrome operator, Argyll and Bute Council, (minimum 48hrs notice) an out of hours charge will be payable in accordance with the following rates or such rates as agreed at the time of the arrangement:

  • Oban £586.00 per hour or part thereof
  • Coll or Colonsay £293.00 per hour or part thereof (helicopter fire cover only)

The above rates are subject to a minimum charge equivalent to two hours. Note: a pre-arranged extension of up to one hour immediately following normal opening hours would incur a charge at 50% of the normal hourly rate i.e. £277.00 for Oban.

Out of Hours Annual Indemnity Permit - £55.00 Available for non commercial aircraft no greater than 2730kg MTOW.
(Commercial and charter aircraft operators are not permitted to use the 'Out of Hours Annual Indemnity Permit' or 'Holiday Voucher Scheme'.)  


Aircraft Parking Charges

a) For a period of 24 hours or part thereof

First 24 hours No Charge
(Not Exceeding 5 Tonnes MTWA) £3.80 per 500kg or part thereof
(Over 5 tonnes MTWA) £6.50 per 500kg or part thereof

b) Weekly Aircraft Parking Permits

A discount of 20% is offered on weekly aircraft parking permits. Applications may be made to the Station Manager at Oban airport, arrangements and payments must be made in advance of the aircraft parking fee arrangement period.


The Council may at any time order an aircraft operator either to move a parked aircraft to another position or remove it from the airport. Failure to comply with the order within the period specified in it will render the operator liable to the following charge:

Refusal of Instruction to move/remove parked aircraft. Charge per day (In addition to the standard aircraft parking charge) £68.00


Vehicle Permits

Annual permits available on application from the Airport Manager. All vehicles proceeding airside must have the minimum level of insurance as specified by Argyll and Bute Council (details on request).


Damage to Airport Property

Where an airport user damages airport property (for which the avoidance of doubt includes, but is not limited to, the runway, buildings, security barriers and fences) the Council shall have the right to recharge the user for any and all reasonable costs incurred by the Council. This includes, but is not limited to make good materials, vehicles, manpower, equipment etc., deemed necessary to make good the damage.



Aircraft landing at or taking off out-with published operating hours without a valid indemnity permit (registered user certificate on Coll and Colonsay) or without prior arrangement with the aerodrome operator Argyll and Bute Council, c/o Oban Airport will be subject to a 6 month ban from all Argyll and Bute Council operated aerodromes and a £75 charge to be paid within one calendar month. If unpaid will be charged at £710 per month until settled fully.

Any individual trespassing on the airport without approval of the aerodrome operator Argyll and Bute Council, c/o Oban Airport, including release of animals will be liable to a charge of £710.