Coronavirus advice for airport users

Let's stay safe together

Before you travel

Please do not travel to the airport if you or anyone in your household has symptoms of coronavirus you should self-isolate in line with government advice, you should not travel to the airport if you:-

  • Are experiencing any coronavirus symptoms or have in the last 7 days


    • a high temperature
    • a new, continuous cough
    • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste

  • Are self-isolating as a result of coronavirus symptoms
  • Are sharing a household with somebody has experienced coronavirus symptoms in the last 14 days
  • Have been advised by the NHS test and trace service that you must self- isolate

Information for schedule service passengers and charter operators.

Entering the terminal

  • Ensure face covering is worn. Gloves should also be worn if possible (disposable ones are available)
  • Sanitise hands at entry point and prepare for forehead temperature check
  • Report to Reception to book in and follow further instructions

Waiting for Flight

  • Position bags on scale for weight check and declaration displayed or briefed by reception
  • Take a seat providing as much distance between you and other passengers as possible.
  • Purchase of snacks and use of toilet facilities limited to one at a time

Boarding Flight

  • Listen to brief given by pilot and when authorised, leave the terminal building towards aircraft
  • Deposit luggage as directed and Take the allocated seat whilst maintaining the wearing of face covering
  • Continue to wear protective items throughout the flight


  • Follow instructions from Pilot and collect luggage one at a time
  • Deposit used face coverings/gloves in a clinical waste bag for return to Oban for disposal
  • Pilot/Operator Clean and disinfect aircraft ready for next use

Information for General Aviation & Private Operators  

Strict PPR is required for all aircraft, PPR can be made using our online form or contact the airport on 01631 572 910. If you wish to pay over the phone to avoid unnecessary interaction during these difficult times please have your card ready.

After Landing

Please don hi-visibility clothing/vest and proceed to airport reporting point via the grey button door release on terminal access door. Hand sanatizer stations are located by your door of entry.

Accessing the Terminal

Before entering building, ensure you are wearing a face covering and hand sanatizing stations are located at the door of entry. Please press the grey button to release the terminal access door. One person report to Reception. If unattended, ring bell and await a member of staff.

Paying Fees

Pay any landing fees as applicable (preferably by contactless card or prepaid) and either proceed to a section of the waiting area, or landside to car park. Use of the memorial garden is allowed. If you wish to pay for landing fees over the phone please contact the airport on 01631 572 910. (If you are unable to land at any of our airports because of weather etc, we will issue a full refund within 7days.)

Keep safe spacing

Keep distance measures from anyone other than household members or the person/s you have travelled with in your aircraft. Report to reception prior to leaving/booking out.

Members of the Public / Tourisits

Unfortunately the terminal building is currently closed to all non-airport users. This is to help keep the number of people travelling through our terminal to a minimum. We hope ease this restriction in the coming weeks.

Visitors / Contractors with Airport business

Before Entering

Before entering this building wear face coverings and do not enter if you have any symptoms of Coronavirus (you may be subject to thermometer checks).

Report to Reception

if unoccupied, ring Bell provided. Please Stay at reception, do not wander about.

Sanitise Hands

Please use the sanitiser as required and if you require to use the toilet facilities, ensure they are unoccupied and let a member of staff know. WASH HANDS for 20sec